Alevitsa – Giannochori

Easy hiking that is suitable all year round (the summit is usually covered with snow in winter).

Alevitsa is a peak with a medium altitude, but rich in views and memories.
The small mountain occupies a key position between the Kastoria basin, the plains of southern Albania and Mt Grammos. On a clear day, one can gaze from Mt Grammos as far as Mt Olympus and the Vermio mountain range.
Its rocky peak emerges like a naturally fortified citadel out of the vast forested landscapes. These gifts made it an important military observatory.
It is conjectured that it was also an ancient citadel, since a statuette of Corinthian origin was discovered here.
There is something about this location that makes it moving and riveting. It is the location, the steep cliffs, or the panoramic view towards the endless silent forests and mountains that surround the entire horizon. And you are haunted by memories of the Graeco-Italian War (WWII) and the Civil War when your gaze turns to the old bunkers and the ruined military installations.
A small stone military building and several bunkers can be found at the peak. All are now derelict.
A dirt road leads to the top from the remote villages of Dipotamia and Kali Vrysi.
We will descend from the peak, passing through the large meadow with the ruins of the military outpost that was actively involved in the Graeco-Italian War and the Civil War.

We will initially cross meadows and soon enter a forest with beech trees. On reaching the plateau where the dirt road joins the main axis of the Kali Vrisi – Giannochori road, we encounter an old mule track that has been partially eroded upon the crumbling rock. It is however easy to follow on foot since its course is still visible.
The road once again becomes clear as we approach the village, where it passes by two stone icons.
We are welcomed at the town square by the impressive Koimisis tis Theotokou Church, which is unique due to its double Gynaeconite [mezzanine area in a church for women]. There is a fountain and a memorial to the fallen Yiannochori heroes next to the Church.